Peadar Ó Guilín on Emmet O’Cuana’s The Beating of Wings.
Talking Dragon Age
Now that COVID-time has flattened everything, I have returned to my comfort blanket – Dragon Age.
I’m mid-way through the game series at the moment, Dragon Age 2. While doing some further reading, I read Aimee Hart’s article for Gayming Magazine Here's Why You Should Play Dragon Age 2, Like, Right Now.
I reached out to Aimee who agreed to chat all things Dragon Age for the latest episode of Hopscotch Friday.
Dragon Age 2 from Bioware.
While I think of it, I want to feature some previous interviews I’ve hosted on the podcast:
Craig Cormick and Harold Ludwick on their book On A Barbarous Coast
Peadar Ó Guilín on his novels The Invasion and The Call
Maura McHugh on her Midnight Movie Monograph about Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me
Rob Lloyd on his one-man show Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Christian Read on his novel Nil-Pray
Paul Doherty on his book (with Cody Cassidy) And Then You're Dead – A Scientific Exploration of the World's Most Interesting Ways to Die