Kumar Sivasubramanian

Interviewed for Self-Published Fantasy month

Interviewed for Self-Published Fantasy month

Emmet O’Cuana interviewed for Self-Published Fantasy month on his fantasy horror comic The Beating of Wings, self-publishing and the dangers of derivative worldbuilding.

Stan the Man and Far Sector

Thanks again to Tim Young and Kumar Sivasubramanian over on Deconstructing Comics for having me on to talk about:

*this is the fourth in a series of Stan Lee biography review podcasts by Tim and myself.

Interview with Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir on Dragon Age: Blue Wraith

Interview with Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir on Dragon Age: Blue Wraith

Emmet O’Cuana’s interview with Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir on Dragon Age: Blue Wraith for Deconstructing Comics.

Emily Carroll's Through The Woods reviewed on Deconstructing Comics

Emily Carroll's Through The Woods reviewed on Deconstructing Comics

Emily Carroll’s Through The Woods, chock full of horror and ambiguity, reviewed by Kumar Sivasubramanian and Emmet O’Cuana.