Talking The Immortal Hulk with Dr Matt Finch

Dr Matt Finch joined me over at Deconstructing Comics podcast to discuss Al Ewing and Joe Bennett’s The Immortal Hulk comics run.

It’s a wide chat, as befits Ewing’s ambitious blending of comic book superscience, the Kabbalah, and some reflections on gender and sexuality.

As I mention in the full episode, I admire the approach and willingness to both take poor Hulk’s fictional history seriously, while also having some conceptual fun. But the question I put to Dr Matt is - did the Immortal Hulk’s creative team stick the landing given the title’s rich ingredients (and is that feat even possible in contemporary comics)?

Also - a reminder that there is still a fortnight to support the second volume of The BeBop on Kickstarter, which features a story by myself Jeferson Sadzinski, Marcela Corrêa Müller, and Cardinal Rae.

Full episode for #732 Deconstructing Comics here